NECEC 2024

The 33rd Annual Newfoundland Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference

November 14, 2024
Holiday Inn St. John's Conference Centre
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Become a Sponsor

Thank you for your interest in supporting NECEC 2024! Your support will enable the Newfoundland and Labrador Section of IEEE and its members to continue to inspire information sharing and collaboration among professionals in our local community, and help to support IEEE’s mission: advancing technology for humanity.

Sponsorship Tiers

🥇 Gold Sponsor

Contribution: $1,000

This tier gives access to:

  • Three complimentary registrations for NECEC 2024
  • Your logo1 displayed on the NECEC 2024 front page and Sponsors page
  • Your logo1 displayed at the venue during NECEC 2024
  • A seat at the head table

🥈 Silver Sponsor

Contribution: $500

This tier gives access to:

  • Two complimentary registrations for NECEC 2024
  • Your logo1 displayed on the NECEC 2024 front page and Sponsors page
  • Your logo1 displayed at the venue during NECEC 2024

🥉 Bronze Sponsor

Contribution: $250

This tier gives access to:

  • One complimentary registration for NECEC 2024
  • Your logo1 displayed on the NECEC 2024 front page and Sponsors page
  • Your logo1 displayed at the venue during NECEC 2024

Please note that all sponsors will be recognized at the conference regardless of value of donations.

Payment Methods

Credit Card

Credit Card payments are processed through PayPal via the IEEE vTools events system. Click the button below to access the Sponsor Registration page for credit card payment.

Click Here for Sponsor Registration


Please contact our Sponsorship chair for more information.

  1. The logo size varies with the sponsorship tier, with higher tiers having larger logos than lower tiers.  2 3 4 5 6